
Click Generate Button after finish customizing to view the change

Your blogspot URL, without http:// or trailing slash e.g:

Add custom ID to your widget, Otherwise will generate random ID

A callback function and will trigger
[[ binding[1] ]].

Try by alerting something!

The request method we're gonna using, either JSONP or JSON. In this demo the JSON method will not going to work because the request must be at the same domain of the blog url. (See Cross Domain Origin Policy)

  • JSONP send asynchronous request by using <script> tag.
  • JSON send request via ajax.

List of days. You can change the value. e.g: Sun,Mon,Tue,etc... (Days in 3 letter format) or any days name in your current language. But remember (!) the order are absolute, starting from Sunday to Saturday.

List of months. Same as above, you can change the value according to your own preferences. Starting from January to December.

Format how the date displayed. A callback function that requires 2 parameters ( date & option ) =>

callback( date, option ) {
// format the date...
option is the user options and date is JavaScript date object. The example above will likely output =>
Friday, August 30 2013

The initial setup how many records will be displayed (Either a number, or string that represents to display all records).

The initial template for list of records, You can change the value according to your own preference. The word "All" is marked as all records.

The main purpose of this option is mostly for custom styling by adding additional class to the structure of DOM that the widget generates.

Add additional class to [[ extend[1] ]]

Query parameter to be added when fetching the blogspot feed. e.g: &updated-min=2008-03-16T00:00:00
&orderby=updated (See Blogger feed reference).
Notes Do not use these forbidden query parameters => start-index, max-results, alt, callback. It will give unexpected response.

Split how many requests will be sent to fetch blogspot feed at one time.

Limit how many posts will be fetched. Set to 0 to fetch all posts.

Set the max-results value. Maximum value is 500, and minimum value is 1.

The blogger feed type we're gonna using, either default or summary.

If it's not empty, include / exclude only the defined post label, depend on the "exception" option below.

The "define" option above must be specified. Set to true (Yes), will exclude only the defined post label. Set to false (No), will include only the defined post label.

Show or Hide Post label.

Include or not the "special label" that will display all posts.

Name of post label that will display all posts.

The post label that is choosen as default at the very start.

Show post label list in dropdown or cloud mode.

Show or Hide Alphabet Label.

Include or not the alphabet label that will display all posts.

Name of alphabet label that will display all posts.

The alphabet label that is choosen as default at the very start.

Show alphabet label list in dropdown or cloud mode.

A callback function that return Regular Expression Object to filter symbolic character. Symbolic Character will be stored in "#" (hashtag) alphabet label.
The Example above will be parse to /^[0-9$-\/:-?{-~!"^_`\[\]]/i, means find character that not begin with alphabet.

Array of alphabet characters. So why this option included?
Not all country used standard alphabet (A to Z) which represent phonemes of their spoken language.

The default language you're gonna using.

Overriding the current language based on your preferences. Checkout the language library for more detail. Leave the field empty if you want to use the default setting.

Overriding the language for [[ custom[1] ]].

Overriding the language for result. There's some language parsing which is described :
{begin} will be parsing to the first index number of the current visible records.
{end} will be parsing to the last index number of the current visible records.
{total} will be parsing to the total records (means total posts).
e.g Showing {begin} to {end} out of {total}.
will be parsing to
Showing 1 to 10 out of 120.

Overriding the language for error message.

The initial setup how many New badges will be glued to the newest published post (Must be a number).

Format how the New badge displayed. A callback function that requires 1 parameter ( language ) =>

callback( language ) {
// display the label
language is the language you set in language section option, refer to this.

Enabled of disabled notification (Useful when you want to show notification to user if there's new published/updated post).

Interval time the widget check on the server whether there's new / updated post or not (Must be in miliseconds).

Format the number in index column, pagination, and page report. A callback function with 1 parameter ( idx ) =>

callback( idx ) {
// format the number
idx is the number.

The pagination adjacents (Must be a number).

Show the [[ pagination[1] ]] pagination.

The post label separator

Wrapping each post label with custom html. A callback function that requires 1 parameter ( label ) =>

callback( label ) {
// wrap each label
label is post label name.

Need JavaScript knowledge

Customize the waiting progress animation. A callback function that requires 2 parameters ( elem & progress ) =>

callback( elem, progress ) {
// animate your waiting progress
elem is the element which the progress will be apended and progress is percentage value of the progress (the text of current loading).

Make the direction Right to Left.

The initialization of sorting.

The sorting order based on sorting key above, either ascending or descending.

Limit the text summary of your blog post (Must be a number).

The order of data that will be displayed in table

Calculate the width of [[ order ]] <thead> by point.

Choose between using the built-in theme, or your own custom theme.

At the current state, this widget only provides Twitter Bootstrap as the basic theme.
If you use your custom theme. You might be have to write your own CSS for customing.
You might consider to add your own custom theme to become one of our built-in theme by contributing on github page. More information about custom theme example and how to create theme bundle

URL for transparent blank image, use for lazyload.

URL for not found image, a fallback if thumbnail is not found.

URL for sample image, use for test the image on the fly service.

The thumbnail dimension size that was found in the blog post.

The thumbnail dimension size for the author who publishes the post.

Show or Hide the author thumbnail.


Before you use it, please read LICENSE file

Place this code somewhere in the <head></head> section


optional You might consider to add setImmediate polyfill


Then add these codes below in your blog page or post (these are just a pre-built example. You can change these codes manually).